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TerBrugGen Elleboogsymposium Sport

TerBrugGen Elleboogsymposium Sport

TerBrugGen Elleboogsymposium Sport

4 May 2023

20:00 CET ~ 120 mins

Registration fee: Free

BeeMed is proud to continue its collaboration with TerBrugen for their annual symposium.

In 2022, two elbow surgeons joined the TerBrugGen team. That's why at our 9th symposium on May 4th we will talk about sports injuries of the elbow. We are very honored to receive some well-known guest speakers who will talk about their personal experience with elbow injuries in elite athletes.

Log in or Sign up on BeeMed to register for the virtual edition of this course. 

- All presentations are in Dutch 

In 2022 vervoegden twee elleboogchirurgen het team van TerBrugGen. Daarom zullen we op ons 9e symposium op 4 mei het hebben over sportletsels van de elleboog. We zijn zeer vereerd om enkele bekende gastsprekers te mogen ontvangen die het zullen hebben over hun persoonlijke ervaring met elleboogletsels bij topsport(st)ers.

Log in of Registreer je op BeeMed om je in te schrijven voor de virtuele editie van deze cursus.

Voor registratie ter plaatse, neem contact op met: Evelien.Roels@azsintjan.be

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20:00 Introductie

Dr. Tom Van Isacker – Orthoclinic Brugge

20:10 Biomechanica en instabiliteit van de elleboog 

Dr. Lotte Verstuyft – AZ Sint Lucas Gent 

20:25 Frequente fracturen van de elleboog 

Prof. Dr. Alexander Van Tongel – UZ Gent 

20:40 Rehabilitation of elbow trauma 

Mevr. Val Jones – Kinésitherapeute Sheffield (VK) 

20:55 Peesletsels van de elleboog 

Dr. Pieter Pierreux – Orthoclinic Brugge 

21:10 Behandeling van overbelastingsletsels van de elleboog 

Mevr. Fabienne Van De Steene – Kinesitherapeute UGent, HIT en kiné Red Flames

21:25 Topsport en blessures: de ervaring van een ploegarts 

Dr. Katja Van Oostveldt – ploegarts Red Lions & Gymfed 

21:40 Elleboogchirurgie & Topsport 

Prof. Dr. Roger van Riet – OrthoCA Antwerpen 

21:55 Q&A 


Dr. Lotte Vertuyft
Dr. Lotte Vertuyft

Shoulder & elbow surgeon at AZ Sint Lucas Gent

Prof Alexander Van Tongel
Prof Alexander Van Tongel


Mevr. Val Jones
Mevr. Val Jones

Upper limb Physio with special interest in elbow rehabilitation

Dr. Pieter Pierreux
Dr. Pieter Pierreux

Dr. Pieter Pierreux studied medicine at the Free University of Brussels. From 2015 he enjoyed his training as an orthopedic surgeon and traumatologist at UZ Brussel. After an intensive fellowship at home and abroad, he profiled himself as a dedicated elbow and shoulder specialist. Since August 2022 he has been working in Orthoclinic Bruges (AZ Sint Jan, AZ Sint Lucas Bruges)

Fabienne Van De Steene
Fabienne Van De Steene

Physiotherapist at Ghent University

Katja Van Oostveldt
Katja Van Oostveldt

General medicine doctor for the Red Lions and Gymfed

Prof. Dr. Roger Van Riet
Prof. Dr. Roger Van Riet

Professor Roger van Riet is a world-renowned elbow surgeon. He is a pioneer in arthroscopic surgery of the elbow and has treated elbow injuries in many international athletes, including Olympic and world champions. He is well recognised for the development of his technique to repair and reconstruct the unstable elbow as well as tendon repairs around the elbow. He has travelled the world as a teacher of elbow surgery. He is a visiting professor at the University Hospital Antwerp and has published extensively. He is currently involved in the development of a new elbow prosthesis. As the fellowship director of AZ Monica in Antwerp, he has been involved in the training of many young colleagues.


Dr. Tom Van Isacker
Dr. Tom Van Isacker

Tom Van Isacker is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in the treatment of shoulder injuries.

Dr. Bart Berghs
Dr. Bart Berghs

Dr. Bart Berghs studied medicine at KU Leuven and then started his training as an orthopedic surgeon and traumatologist at UZ Gent. Since July 1, 2001 he has been active in AZ St Jan Bruges and is currently head of the orthopedics department AZ St Jan - AZ St Lucas Bruges. He is also a consultant at UZ Gent. He is an active member of BVOT (Belgische Vereniging voor Orthopedie en Traumatologie), BELSS (Belgian Elbow and Shoulder Society), ESSKA (European Society Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy) and SECEC/ESSE (European Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery).